Every day, we are inspired by mothers and babies. We listen to what mothers expect and what babies need. We believe that breastfeeding is the best food for babies.
Motivated by nature and the latest advances in science, Humana offers nutrition that supports the natural development of babies and toddlers – with over 70 years of experience.
Humana writes its history
With the launch of the first adapted
(i.e. highly similar to breast milk)
infant formula, Humana laid a cornerstone
in the history of contemporary infant nutrition.

Vertical Production
Children need high quality, easily digestible food and great amounts of devotion, especially in the first phase of their lives. In this context, breastfeeding is the best form of nutrition for your baby.
If you want to use an infant formula, contact your pediatrician first.…
Humana GmbH belongs to the Humana Milk Association group of companies, a dairy farmer’s cooperative with over 6,000 suppliers, and is thus able to follow the course of its milk down to the cow. The milk is received from the breeder and is thoroughly processed under constant testing to be ultimately turned into infant milks and creams that meet the needs of children by age.
We ensure the high quality of the raw materials, which we do not produce ourselves and we obtain from selected suppliers for this purpose. Humana infant nutrition products do not contain preservatives, synthetic colorants and flavorings, as required by the law.
We treat the raw materials of our products as a precious gift of nature. For us it goes without saying that we must handle all natural resources and the environment responsibly.
Therefore, the production and distribution of our products on the market are in line with the responsibility and respect we feel for the environment. For example, for our packaging we use recycled paper and non-toxic printing inks – Out of love for the children and the future generations.
Verified Quality
We subject our products to thorough quality and health controls, because when it comes to infant formulas, there is no room for any compromises. Our aim is to continuously improve our quality management system.
For all new recipes, as well as for changes to existing recipes of Humana products, full laboratory analyses of the ingredients are carried out before approval for mass production. Only if a recognized external laboratory confirms that the ingredient information is acceptable can the recipe receive approval and production can begin. With this voluntary commitment, we implement a quality management system that far exceeds the limits of the legislation.
Note: All Humana products carry the “Verified Quality” seal on their packaging.

Absolute Safety
For over 70 years Humana has been the symbol of contemporary high-quality infant food. Healthy nutrition for children from the moment they are born is a personal matter to us.
Naturalness and high quality are our principles. Our vertical production and regular quality controls guarantee the absolute safety of our products.
The Humana factory is certified according to the standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 by the DQS GQCS Certification Company mbH. However, certification documents alone are not of decisive importance. It is far more important to keep the system up and running and to implement it every day. The trust of young parents in the Humana name imposes on our partners the daily obligation to perform to the best of their abilities in terms of quality assurance and product development.

70+ Years of Experience

600+ Quality Controls

Most Significant Milestones